Tuesday, March 18

Dream catcher

nightmare to much annoying. Sampai migrain dibuatnya, so i decide to read book until i get sleep. Berkesan! Memandangkan annoying nightmare ini membuatkan aku tidak keruan memikirkan. Aku pun googling laaa. Macam-macam tafsir mimpi aku jumpa,the truth is aku tak trust hundred percent. Just sekadar membaca.haha. Then i found article about dream catcher ni, seems interesting..

Dream catchers are one of the most fascinating traditions of Native Americans. The traditional dream catcher was intended to protect the sleeping individual from negative dreams, while letting positive dreams through. The positive dreams would slip through the hole in the center of the dream catcher, and glide down the feathers to the sleeping person below. The negative dreams would get caught up in the web, and expire when the first rays of the sun struck them. 

The dream catcher has been a part of Native American culture for generations. One element of Native American dream catcher relates to the tradition of the hoop. Some Native Americans of North America held the hoop in the highest esteem, because it symbolized strength and unity. Many symbols started around the hoop, and one of these symbols is the dream catcher. 

Fallin in love with the dream catcher, jari jemari sudah gatal untuk melukis. =D

actually, aku takdalah put hundred trust pada dream catcher ni untuk buang nightmare aku. But i put my trust on the Mighty.This dream catcher stuff was some traditions from other native, aku hormat dan appreciate keunikan kepercayaan mereka. In fact, dream catcher ni kind of unique and beautiful thing.

that all,
peace =D

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